Andrew’s Broadcasts

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Art of China Outtakes (desert)

Andrew is overcome in the desert..

Art of China Outtakes (car)

Andrew tries to remember where he is.. 

Marina Abramovic

Andrew Graham-Dixon on Marina Abramovic

Art of China Ep 3

Andrew charts the glorious rise and calamitous fall of China's last dynasty.

Radio 4, Front Row interview

Andrew is interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Front Row programme about his new book "Caravaggio A Life Sacred and Profane"

Art of China Outtakes (stairs)

Andrew demonstrates one of the dangerous aspects of his job as a presenter..

Tom Wolfe

Andrew Graham-Dixon goes stateside to meet Tom Wolfe with his new novel Back to Blood.

David Lynch art show in Paris

Andrew interviews David Lynch about his art exhibition in Paris as part of the Culture Show.

Bomberg Auerbach

Exclusive members' video tour

Bomberg Auerbach at the Daniel Katz Gallery in London

July 2024 - Vanessa Bell at The Courtauld

Andrew discusses the first ever solo Vanessa Bell exhibition - Vanessa Bell: A Pioneer of Modern Art -  with associate curator Rachel Sloan at The


The Courtauld

A flying tour of the top floor of the Courtauld Galleries, and their new display of French late nineteenth and early twentieth century masterpieces.

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