Called before the Roman magistrates in March 1613 to give evidence at the trial of Agostino Tassi, fellow painter Artemisia Gentileschi left nothing to the imagination in describing how he raped her. She went on to relate how he foiled her attempts at revenge:
“After he had finished his business he got off me. Seeing myself free I went to the table drawer and took out a knife and moved towards Agostino saying, ‘I want to kill you with this knife because you have dishonoured me’. And he opened his tunic saying ‘Here I am’, and I threw the knife at him; he shielded himself otherwise I would have hurt him and might easily have killed him. The outcome was that I wounded him slightly on the chest and he bled little because I had scarcely pierced him with the point of the knife. Then the said Agostino fastened his tunic and I was weeping and lamenting the wrong done to me…”
As events turned out, Tassi got off lightly. Offered his choice of sentence, five years rowing in the papal galleys or banishment from