Andrew's Broadcasts

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Ice Age Art: A Culture Show Special 1/5

Back in London, the British Museum is staging one of its most ambitious exhibitions yet, Ice Age Art: Arrival of the Modern Mind. Andrew gets
a behind-the-scenes preview of the extraordinary highlights and discovers that the world's first commissioned artists were producing highly sophisticated work tens of thousands of years before he previously imagined

Tom Wolfe

Andrew Graham-Dixon goes stateside to meet Tom Wolfe with his new novel Back to Blood.

Samuel Johnson Prize

The second part of our survey of the shortlist for the Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction

National Gallery Photography

Andrew visits the National Gallery's first major exhibition of photography

I Never Tell Anybody Anything: The Life and Art of Edward Burra - Taster

Andrew Graham-Dixon tells the remarkable story of Edward Burra's life.

Andrew Graham-Dixon visits Mind Over Matter

Andrew Graham-Dixon visits Mind Over Matter, an exhibition that challenges our ideas about brain donation

Marina Abramovic

Andrew Graham-Dixon on Marina Abramovic

Ai Wei Wei

Andrew Graham-Dixon with Ai Wei Wei at the Tate Modern for the Frieze Art Fair.

Picasso and Tradition 1/4

A 30-minute film about Picasso and the past, part 1

AGD on the Titian campaign trail

Why the nation should save the Titians, whatever it takes

The longest piece to camera in arts TV history!!!!

Andrew "does" the entire "Citizens and Kings" exhibition at the Royal Academy, without pausing for breath, in a single continuous take

David Lynch art show in Paris

Andrew interviews David Lynch about his art exhibition in Paris as part of the Culture Show.
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