All we ask is a small fee of £17.50 per annum to help cover the cost of maintaining the website and updating its content.
For this you will get access to read unlimited articles, view all free content on the website, view extra content on the website which will be changed monthly and amount to approx' 5-6 hours video/audio per month, including an exclusive monthly video from Andrew, and also receive a monthly email which will include news on Andrew’s engagements. For more information please refer to our Terms & Conditions.
To qualify for the student discount we will ask for proof that you are in full-time education. Please upload a copy of either your registration form for the course that you are currently on or a valid student Id card.
Once you have completed the form and paid the membership fee you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging your student membership.
We will check your student details and let you know if we need further clarification or proof.